Public Speaking is an essential skill!
Public Speaking is one of the most important skills a person can develop. It is not a single skill [...]
Broad idea. I’m curious about it in an embodied way. Balancing as play; balancing as practice for myself as I [...]
“The Voice is our longest limb”
“The Voice is our longest limb” – Voice and Presence teacher Elissa Weinzimmer says, evoking the idea that our voices [...]
The Tongue – Part 2
Today’s mini freedom practice for the tongue is around being a little more conscious and aware of the tongue [...]
The Tongue – Part 1
The tongue is a strange muscle. Pink and moist and covered in bumpy bumps. Gross and awesome. It’s a [...]
Neck Shortened
If your neck is shortened and tight, your chin is probably jutting forward, and you are clamping down on [...]
Awareness is a SUPERPOWER
Being distracted is the norm. Hearing the beginning of what someone is saying and then zoning out. Asking someone’s name [...]
Fingers and Hands: I notice how my fingers are curling up
So busy they are doing my will in the world. Full of gusto and charm. Full of residue effort and [...]
Wanting is a rhythm
Wanting chewing gum as soon as I get in the car. The right song. A new pair of pants. A [...]
Mechanical Advantage
An ergonomic position for the whole self. It is not a static place but an organized place from which to [...]
Own the space between your face and the phone
Otherwise attention and body shrink into the size of the device and everything follows 🌪️ 💫💫💫 Free up and out. [...]
An experiment – One thing at a time. Only one
Doing homework with Jo and chopping the veg – writing and listening to music – driving and listening to my [...]
A Good Strong Back
Nothing more gorgeous than a happy back.😇 What is a happy back? A happy back is open and released [...]
Good communication begins with a HUM/ Humming for Speakers
There you are about to open your mouth to speak to a group of people…. Heart hammering in your [...]
Why Teens should Alexander (Technique)
When people ask me what the Alexander Technique is, I can get a little flustered. It’s not easy to [...]