If your neck is shortened and tight, your chin is probably jutting forward, and you are clamping down on your whole spine, impacting not just your posture but your breathing and digestion, too.
You might be so used to this posture that you don’t recognize you are even doing it.
Try this mini freedom practice right now. Become aware of all the open and available space above you and let the crown of your head move in that direction. Up. Your head will roll slightly forward, lengthening the muscles at the back of your neck. Let your shoulders release away from each other. Check your jaw. Release. Inviting these directions, Soft and Tall, Wide and Free, to help you move into a more expansive place. Breathe in – Sigh out. Reset.
#alexandertechnique #lengtheningandwideningyourback #breath #awareness #lengthennotstraighten #goodcarriage #ease #posture #expand #directions #pause #reset
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